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March 26, 2025 1:05am



Privacy Policy


The KMC  Family and MWR Web site is provided as a public service by the U.S. Army. Family and MWR is committed to protecting your privacy and will collect no personal information about you unless you choose to provide that information to us.

Browsing the Family and MWR Web Site

The contents of this Web site may be browsed anonymously. The Family and MWR Web site automatically logs visitor information concerning the pages read, photographs viewed, and information downloaded for statistical purposes. This information does not identify you personally. The information gathered helps us to assess the content most interesting to visitors and to determine technical design specifications for identifying system performance issues. The following represents the types of information automatically collected and stored about your visit:

  • The Internet Domain and Internet Protocol (IP) address from which you access our Web site
  • The type of Internet browser and the operating system of the computer you use to access our site
  • The date and time you visit our site
  • The pages you visit on our site
  • If you linked to our Web site from another Web site, the address of that Web site
  • And, if you linked to our Web site from a search Web site, the address of the Web site and the search term you used

If You Send Us Personal Information 

If you choose to provide us with personal information -- as in an e-mail to our program managers or directorates, or the Webmaster, or by filling out a form with your personal information and submitting it to us through our Web site -- we use that information to respond to your message and to help us get you the information you have requested.

We do not collect personal information for any purpose other than to respond to you. Moreover, we do not create individual profiles with the information you provide or to give it to any private organizations. Family and MWR does not collect information for commercial marketing.

Use of Cookies 

cookie is information which may be placed in a file on your computer by our Web site to improve your internet experience with us. We do not set cookies without your knowledge, and we do not set cookies including personal information. Any cookie we set can only be accessed within our domain. We do not allow sharing of cookies elsewhere within the domain, or with any outside (commercial or otherwise) domain.

The Family and MWR Web site often uses Active Server Pages (ASP) to deliver Web site content. ASP comes with a built-in object which appears as a cookie. This cookie maintains the connection with the user's browser. This object is called the Session object and is maintained only for the duration of a your visit to our Web site, or if the connection is idle for 10 minutes.

This session object cookie looks like:

FALSE 1293837077 HITO_VISITS A10A67D2A+3479E6*F20E7*1+56CD83*F3204*3

There is no private information in this cookie which can be used to identify the web customer.